doula support

“A doula is a non-medical support person who provides continuous, non-judgmental, one-on-one C A R E during labor, birth and postpartum.”

— ProDoula

Why Hire a Professional Doula?

For many mothers and families, pregnancy, childbirth and becoming a parent can seem foreign and scary. Our society has done a really good job at making us think it’s a terrifying event. We are here to change that!

Having a D O U L A by your side can help you prepare and plan for birth & postpartum so that you feel informed, safe, and in charge of your choices - to help you have an empowering and positive motherhood experience.

Doulas provide emotional and physical support while respecting your preferences. Doulas are risk-free, non-judgmental and highly effective in IMPROVING birth outcomes. (READ EVIDENCE HERE).


Already a client?

See you soon, mama!

Support Packages

  • Prenatal Support & Birth Preparation

    This package is customized with everything you need in order to make your journey through pregnancy an informed, empowered & joyful one.

    I N C L U D E S :

    -initial meet & greet

    -3-4 prenatal meetings covering birth preferences, planning for birth, labor strategies and comfort measures, birth and breastfeeding videos, basic newborn care, resources and handouts, answering your questions on pregnancy, birth, postpartum & more.

    -available from first meet & greet through 6 weeks postpartum via phone, text, FaceTime, Zoom, or email to answer questions, be a sounding board, and provide resources.

    -one 1-hour postpartum visit (usually within the first 10 days) to answer questions, talk through birth experience, check in on your healing, well-being, and transition to parenthood.

  • Birth Support

    This package is the “full package”; your comprehensive guide in order to help you feel informed, safe & empowered through pregnancy & childbirth and to help you powerfully transition into parenthood.

    I N C L U D E S :

    -initial meet & greet

    -3-4 prenatal meetings covering birth preferences, planning for birth, labor strategies and comfort measures, birth and breastfeeding videos, basic newborn care, resources and handouts, answering your questions on pregnancy, birth, postpartum & more.

    -available from first meet & greet through 6 weeks postpartum via phone, text, FaceTime, Zoom, or email to answer questions, be a sounding board, and provide resources.

    -on call 24/7 from 38-42 weeks.

    -in-person labor & delivery support and 1-2 hours postpartum.

    -one 1-hour postpartum visit (usually within the first 10 days) to answer questions, talk through birth experience, check in on your healing, well-being, and transition to parenthood.

  • Postpartum Support

    This package is that uplifting, extra set of hands so that will help you focus on healing, bonding as a family, adjusting to this new chapter and caring for yourself - available from newborn to 6 months of age.

    I N C L U D E S :

    -everything from breastfeeding, pumping and/or bottle feeding, reading baby’s cues, diapering care, meal preparation, light housework, running errands, helping with older children and/or pets, resources and referrals, companionship, accompaniment to appointments, care for baby so the parent can shower, eat or nap, baby-wearing assistance, soothing baby and education on soothing techniques, education on infant and parent care, caring for the birthing person while they heal, to processing the birth experience and supporting the mental health of all family members.

    -2-8 hour meetings, depending on your needs.

About Lynn

Lynn became a certified birth & postpartum doula in 2017, having worked with women from all over the world & from all walks of life in both Luxembourg & The Netherlands. She prides herself on providing comprehensive, compassionate & non-judgmental SUPPORT to new mothers and their families.

Childbirth Education Courses

Childbirth Education Courses

We believe that childbirth education should be comprehensive, interactive, and F U N!

Our courses offer you a wealth of evidence-based information, give you a toolbox of e f f e c t i v e comfort measures & relaxation techniques, help your partner gain confidence in supporting you, equip and empower you to self-advocate, and provide you with knowledge of the birth process so you can embark on your birthing journey with informed choices

We want you to leave our courses with accessible information and loads of excitement about this new chapter in your life!

Next Course Start Date: FALL 2024


What Other Mothers are Saying:

  • "Lynn is such an amazing doula. She is very professional and at the same time very genuine and easy to connect with. Since the first discussion I felt comfortable, reassured and supported by her. She listened to my concerns and wishes and helped me structure things in my head and fill in the gaps for me. She is very attentive and gentle. I felt reinforced by Lynn, and felt that we made a great team and that we’re going to make this birth experience the best! It reinforced my choice of her as my main birth partner. During labor, Lynn was very supportive, listening to what I exactly needed. She was not pushy and let things flow when we went to the hospital, she had it clear in her mind what was important for me and navigated with me through the labor very smoothly. She was my rock! I couldn’t have had such an amazing birth if it was not thanks to her help and support before and during labor! Definitely exceeded my expectations! Absolutely an amazing experience having Lynn as my doula! I would never have thought I could have been such in peace and in trust of someone else than my husband for the birth of our baby, but looking back I would do it again! Very thankful to Lynn for having been here for me and my baby!"

    - O. R.

  • "Twelve hours after my waters broke Lynn picked me up from home and accompanied me to the hospital. We spent the afternoon waiting for contractions. Lynn helped to keep me in a positive and relaxed state of mind. She also explained what to expect from the next steps in my situation, which was very reassuring. In the late afternoon I decided to go on with a partial induction. Lynn fully respected and supported my decision.  In the delivery room, she took care of the music, my clothes and reminded me to eat and drink. Lynn then spent about two hours continuously massaging my lower back and squeezing my hips during the intense contractions. I didn't choose to have an epidural, and her massage was a invaluable pain relief. I don't think I could have made it throught the contractions without her. She encouraged me with a soft voice at key moments and calmed me down when I started hyperventilating after delivery. Lynn stayed with me for about an hour after the delivery. We shared out first impressions. She also contacted my husband and sent him first pictures.  The timing and amout of support was also great. Throughout the labour Lynn was focused, never disturbing but always helpful. Her experience and a steady, calm presence meant I felt really safe and cared for. Lynn definitely exceeded my expectations. In short, her service was more professional, structured but also more personal than I expected. In particular, the thorough preparation meetings where we discussed different scenarios were very helpful and reassuring. It also meant that during my labour Lynn was exactly where I needed her. I found her support was a perfect mix of professional, discreet, warm and friendly approach. Thanks to Lynn's help my birth was a positive and empowering experience. I couldn't have imagined a better birth partner."

    Klara O.

  • “We hired Lynn for a postpartum support after the birth of our little girl in Luxembourg. As she enters your home Lynn will fill your room with positivity and lightness. Her presence alone will instantly relax you in this new exciting, little stress experience with your baby. Lynn was always accessible when I had questions, doubts etc and this also at 10 pm. Lynn was the only person really helping me with breastfeeding, she totally respected my personal needs and gave me the best advice. I also wanted to point out that Lynn imposes nothing. She really gets to your personal individual needs with a professional scientific approach. I highly recommend Lynn and would suggest everyone to get the pleasure to meet her and benefit from her super important service! The 3 of us love her! Thank you again Lynn!”

    - Lisa A.

  • "After a traumatic birth experience with our first born, my partner and I wanted a much better experience the second time around. For my second birth, I wanted someone to be by my side, someone who could be my voice, and someone who could peacefully help me navigate my birth experience. I wanted someone who was both compassionate, but also someone who would give me the strength to advocate for myself when needed. I also wanted someone who would support my partner (in case he got tired or hungry…hihi) so we wouldn’t be totally alone. When I found Lynn, all of these dreams became a reality. She did an incredible job supporting me during my pregnancy, especially through all of my hormonal changes. She always had an open heart, listened, and was always available when I needed her. Her positive energy is infectious. In the end, my second birth did not go as I had planned, but actually, it went even better! Because Lynn was present and through her guidance, I was able to voice my decisions confidently and I was kept informed throughout the entire process. It also helped tremendously to have had Lynn’s positive aura surrounding me the whole time. I even felt that through this second birth, I was able to heal parts of my first birth. One thing is sure: the day I find out that I am pregnant for a third time, I am calling Lynn to be absolutely sure that she is available."

    - Tessy R.

  • “My husband and I had the pleasure of working with Lynn following our son's birth. Her sunny disposition and availability were invaluable as we navigated the uncertain waters of first-time parents. She was a wonderful sounding board when I needed to talk through the difficulties I faced, and saved my sanity when my son refused anything except to be carried and rocked, which I'd already been doing for hours, by stepping in and taking over, giving me a much-needed mental break. Lynn has a relaxed approach and doesn't impose at all, allowing us to let her know as much or as little as we needed from her. We truly appreciate every moment she spent with us!"

    - Joanne V.

  • “I had many ups and downs throughout my pregnancy, but one thing remained certain: I wanted a natural and positive birth experience. Because my emotions were not always the easiest to navigate, I began my search for supports that would help make my dream birth a reality. A friend told me about birth doulas and this is how I found Lynn! I met with Lynn several times before the birth and together we created a Birth Preference List which really empowered me to use my voice. Leading up to the big day, Lynn was ready and available 24/7 which helped me feel held, supported and guided. For the labor & delivery, Lynn supported me while I labored at home for a few hours and then we continued at the hospital for another 12 hours. I was so grateful for her endless and unwavering emotional and physical support. Also, Lynn gave the BEST massages! And in the end, her support helped my tremendously in bringing my beautiful daughter into the world in a peaceful and positive way. I will always be so grateful for Lynn as my doula and look forward to asking her to join my journey the next time I may become pregnant.”

    - Nadia L.

  • "Lynn was available at night when labor started and arrived at hospital before I arrived. She also informed the hospital beforehand that we are on our way. During labor Lynn was by my side and supported me through all stages of labor. She was always making sure that I have whatever I need, she made sure that I stay hydrated and helped me a lot with several massage techniques. When labor started to be more challenging, Lynn gave me the right advice without trying to push me in a certain direction. She encouraged me a lot during labor and was always patient with me. After birth Lynn showed me breastfeeding techniques and stayed with my daughter and me in the labor room for a while. Labor took around 17 hours and I was grateful to have Lynn with me. Yes, Lynn definitely met and exceeded my expectations. I didn't have any doubts beforehand about choosing Lynn. I told her that in case I will have another baby one day, I would love to have her again as my doula."

    -Agathe R.

Interested in becoming a Certified Doula yourself?

There’s a training coming to a city near you SOON!!


  • “A doula is a skilled professional who reduces fear and instills strength for birthing families by providing continuous support. Doulas help people during pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period by offering evidence-based information, providing physical comfort measures, and by being emotionally present and available.”

    - ProDoula

  • Non-judgemental, compassionate support. We believe that a mother already has all of the strength, tools & know-how she needs in order to navigate this chapter in her life (mother’s intuition is real…) and it is our job to empower her in discovering & using her power & voice to create the experience that suits her best. While we, of course, care deeply about the new little bundle of joy on the way, our priority is to “mother the mother” - to make sure the birthing person is doing well physically, emotionally & mentally. In essence: happy mama = happy baby.

  • A birth is a birth is a birth. We do it all!

    We are experienced with hospital and homebirth, vaginal birth, medicated birth, epidurals, IVF, high-risk, cesarean birth and VBAC. We support Y O U wherever best suits you so that the focus can be on the birth itself.

  • A doula is a skilled, knowledgeable & compassionate support system, not a medical professional. Therefore, a doula will not provide medical advice or perform any medical procedures. A doula does provide you mental & emotional support, evidence-based information & undivided attention throughout your pregnancy, birth & postpartum time. See our support packages to learn more!

  • We are experienced with hospital and homebirth, vaginal birth, medicated birth, epidurals, IVF, high-risk, cesarean birth and VBAC. We support Y O U wherever best suits you so that the focus can be on the birth itself.

    Note: each birthing institution have slightly varying hospital policies post-covid and some only allow one birth partner to be present - but we have options in order to make it work…let’s have a chat so we can provide you more details.